Friday, 24 October 2008

Contrasting Male roles

Persian King

He is the Empire who wants to take over Sparta and have it under his control. He is represented as a powerful man but with female features, such as make up, piercings etc, which relates to him being in touch with his inner femininity.This can link to the ‘New Man


He is the king of Sparta, his role is to care for his country along with his wife.
He is represented as a typical ‘breadwinner’ with pure masculinity through weaponry and physic.

Self Evaluation

Attainment – 2: my skills have been increase as I am retaking year 13 so I have knowledge from last year, also I always relate to my synoptic ability

Effort – 2/3: my effort in class is good but although we haven’t done anything active in class, this has affected my effort making, although i still make efforts externally and I try to take part in class.

Punctuality – 4: my Punctuality is very poor and will be working on it during holidays; I will take it as a fresh new start after the holidays

Submission of quality of homework – 2: I have missed some deadlines in class, but I also do my homework.

Ability to work independently – 3: my ability to work independently is average as i always need help and advice at present, especially on med 5.

Quality of writing – 3: my quality of writing does lack but I still try my best and know that it will increase.

Organisation of media folder – 5: my folder is very bad, I don’t even have a folder, but my papers are in order, but i still sometimes leave papers at home.

Oral contribution in class – 1: I have now begun to take part a lot in class to gain extra idea’s and at least try so I can learn and correct myself.

Standard of module 5 blog – 2: my Blog is up to date but I still think I can add more to my blog, it is up to date towards set work, but I must add some personal research

Standard of module 6 blog – 4: my med 6 blog is very bad, I haven’t even done the media issue and debate, and this is something to catch up on in the holidays.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Things To Do

  1. Look at other texts that are relevant to my text for exmaple TROY etc.
  2. Start to look at wider context using the acronym SHEP

Social, Historical, Economical and Political

Relate to Feminisim, And the New Man.

Also relate to how the New Man is affect the economy and social issues.

Self Assesment Of My Blog

AO1 -Demonstrate knowledge and application of the Key Concepts employed within Media Studies and the evaluation of texts and ideas using the Key Concepts

Looking at MIGRAIN, i have analysied my texted using this acoronym, but there are some things i have missed out, for exmaple the instiuition of the text, this could have an effect on teh audience etc.
I have been looking mostly ad Media Language, Representationa and Ideologies that have been put across frm my text, as these three key concepts can help me answer y question about if the NEW MAN still exists.

AO2 - Demonstrate knowledge and application of the wider contexts (historical, social, political, economic) relevant to Media Studies

Looking at the wider contexts using SHEP, i have taken into account the historical issues of feminism and the new man.
I am aware perosnaly of the social, economical and political issues, but have no written proof of this, my new task would be to analyse and put into account SHEP entirely. This is an important part of my task to look how how the new man was producyed, and why his reprsentations are trying to be isolated.

AO5 - Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate investigative and research techniques in carrying out an independent study of a media text, topic or issue

Looking at my ressreach, my text has such a lare amount of resreach to look at as their are many differnt repreentation that are present which affect the representation of te new man within the text.
I wouldnt sa i have done alot or nothing. I would be in the middle, but i am also missing alot of resreach, such as other texts that i want to include which include the text Troy. Including other texts is a very important thing, as i need to look at where the new man began to die down. i will need to look at otehr similar genre texts.
I think i have concluded with a great question, not only for my text but as a general question is society etc. It is a good argument to see if the new man roles are present and why, also looking at different reactions to people and the media.
My new aim is to look at other texts and start categorizing my research what is where and what i need to do next.

Synoptic Ability - Draw together understanding of Key Concepts, from different parts of the specification in order to make effective textual readings.
Draw upon knowledge and application of a wide range of possible relevant contexts, in order to account for the characteristics of media texts

Looking at synoptic ability, this is my strong suit, as from studying it in yr 10, i have still used the same knowledge and extra knowledge throughout the years.
Realting this to my text, i have used alot of old knowledge, such as light, camera angle, long shots etc.
The only thing i need to take into account is sound, at the moment, sound isn't an important aspect compared to otehr things i need to do.
Looking at camera angle's and types of shot is a very important to my text, as these techniques are used to increase tensiona nd categorise reprsentation in their places, such as inferior shots of the protaginist etc.
I ahve linked my text to med 2, audience and theories, but not et to med 6. I still think i can add more to med 2.

Critical Autonomy - Apply critical ideas and principles to new situations – and demonstrate media literacy in responses to media texts

I have used many of my own ideas, andhave been looking at ideas of my own from my text.
I have been working independly, with alot of help form other issue such as SHEP, but i have not done a written ideas on them, just thinking ideas.
I am self motivated, but sometimes can get myself dug into a hole where my self motivation is not present. From last year i ahd made this mistake, and i am now getting myself out of that hole and now am usinga s much time as possible to complete this module. This a very difficult topic for me as i lack in writing.