Tuesday, 9 December 2008
1940s Texts
This text relates to a women having a job, and then is fired by her boss, a old inventor creates a amchine which makes people invisible and she turns invisible, she then gains revenge on her boss.
This text relate to the Zeitgiest as in WW2, women were doing mens jobs, and when men came back from war, they took their jobs back and womens attitudes had change as they had power and were scary, in this film the inivisible women has power and is scary.
- Edwards, T . men in the mirror: Men's Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society (London, 1997)
'Selfish, Loutish and inconsiderate... He likes drinking, football and fucking, and in that order of peference ... he is that most ghastly of configuration, defensively working class ... defensively masculine'.
- Foucault, M. The History of Sexuality (1981)
'Gender is like fluid and can change within different contexts and over time'
- Stevenson, N. Masulinity: A Risky path to take? (london 2000)
Stevenson states - 'Blokelash Against Feminism'
- Lacey, N. Loaded lads and lasses (1996)
Lacey states - 'Regaining ale dominance due to a diminishing in men's power'
- Angela, and Joyce, Mark and Rivers, Danny (1999): Advanced
'Bra Burning'
- Madonna as the postmodern myth” by Georges-Claude Guilbert
'Madonna and The Whore'
- Horn, John (2006), There’s no place like hell for the holidays
‘hunted down like cockroaches’
- ‘Media, Gender & Identity : An introduction’ David Gauntlett, (2002),
'Men to be the dominant charcters on TV'
- Media, Gender & Identity : An introduction’ David Gauntlett, (2002),
Men were more likely to be more adventurous, active and victorious, whereas women were more frequently seen as weak, ineffectual, victimised, supportive laughable or 'merely token females (Gunter, 1995)
- Media, Gender & Identity : An introduction’ David Gauntlett, (2002),
'Symbolically Annihilated'
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Representation of Gender Today
- In 1992-1993, men took 61% of the total number of speaking roles, wit wmoen having only 39% of speaking roles in prime time tv, Then in 1995-1996 the percentage increase to 63% of men having speaking roles and women decreased to 37%.
- In 1992-1993 study found that only 3% of women were represented as housewifes as their main occupation - a massivbe decrease comapre to the 1970s.
- In 1994 the sitcom friends shows that womens and men roles are equal as the sitcom conatisna mixture of males and females.
- Another show tha increases the role of women is 'Sex in the city' this shows increases women's indpendance and includes that male sexual performance is a subject to laughter. This makes men look more inferior to women.
- Representation of gender on TV has changed considerably within the ast couple of decades; Today, female and male charcters are likley to be as intelligent, talented and resourseful - or stupid - as each other, and in this respect - though there may be exceptions - there is 'Equality'.
- Men continue to be dominant in some areas, for exmaple, in the UK, the BBC's coverage of the 2001 general selection was led from the studioauthortive, middle-aged white men.
- Female roles have definetly become more tougher
Representation of Gender in the Past
- According to Gunter (19995) and Elasmer (1999), the wmoen and mens speaking roles in television are a major difference. In the 1950s, 60s and 70s only 20 to 35% of charcters were women.
- Miles (1970s) discovered that there was an equal portion of wmoen and men in comedies, but the gender roles were still to be sexist. In action films only 15% were leading women roles.
- Gunter found that in the 1970s, shows that marriage, parenthood and domesticity were shown to be more important to women than men on television.
- A study by Mc Neil concluded that the womens movement had been largely ignored by television, with married housewifes as the main female role. Also he had found that men were to be found to be dominant charcters and decision makers on TV in the 1970s.
- Men were more likely to be more adventurous, active and victorious, whereas women were more frequently seen as weak, ineffectual, victimised, supportive laughable or 'merely token females (Gunter, 1995)
- Tuchman - Women are 'Symbolically Annihliated', women don't matter much. Also were to be seen as working were portrayed as 'incompetents and Inferiors'.
- Dyer (1980s) In drama the numebr of women in central roles in police or crime series had increased.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Essay Summary of Representation of Women in Mens Magazines
The second important point relate sto my study, the essay talks about masculinity, and that the target audience of these magazines are masucline men used by a quote which is previosuly posted on my blog.
Another point is that, the essay states, that mens magazines purely sell by the women in the magagznes, if women where to be posted in the magzgines as purely natural without make up and no enhanced clevages, the magazine wouldn't sell, this shows that the women theselves are the unique selling point.
The four point is about how the essay talks about the blokelash and the regaining of male dominance, which i have quoted in my blog peviously, the essay states that womens magazines are a form of way to put women back into their place after femininism.
The last point is about the selling of the magazine's FHM, Loaded and Maxim. These magazines sell millions of copies each year. This si because they are in touch with what their repective audience want as wella s employing a clever marketing technique in which the insituitions sell soft porn.
Media Language
The key point to rekate to in media language in this scene is how the cinematography is used. The caera work is amazingly done using zoom in and zoom out shots with slow motions shots to emphasise the bloody gory scene.
The props used within the scene are mainly weapons such as swords and spears. These weapons areb use to chop and slice enimies up, thetype of shots als relates to how the weapon is used, for example when a sword is weild the shot is zoomed in and is in slow motion to emapshies the body being chopped or sliced.
The type of lighting used throughout the scene is mainly low key lighting, this gives is a dark and thriiling feel.
The editing is another type of media language used to produce tension upon the auidence. Some scence for exmaple the fighting scene conatin no editing such as cuts and fade, it is one straigjht shot with zoom in's and out and slow motion effects.
My text is a hollywood text which makes it a mainstream text.
There was many pubicity fir this text, for example on youtube there are many differnt cuts if the film trailer and also their are differnt verson of scene that people personaly had editing themselves using home software.
The type of genre is a hybrid genre made up of action and adventure.
The adventure is made up by the story of 300 spartans going on a conquest to ave their city.
The action is made up by the props and the iconography of weilding swords ans spears, with the blood and gore splattering.
The film does contain elements of Film Noir, this sia film which is purposly eiting in very low key lighting like sin city, 300 does this as the film i low key lighting but the blood and gore is in bright red colour so it can be noticed.
The film contains a paitriarchal society of a male dominated film screening, but in some sections, the new man can be recognised, so the sex within the fim is male but the genders can be masculinity and femininity which si the presence of the new man, but the majority of the text shows masculinity.
Women are also shown iwthin the text but they are much inferior towards men, within the trailer their is no presence of women at all.
The representations of men within the film is shown positivily as they are all maculine men, but the negative views can be said that the Female Gaze is presnet as the men are half naked.
Below is a comment left on this video clip
300 is awesome no doubt about it, but i dont know theres is something...gay.maybe its the fact that 300 dudes are fighting...half-naked^^
The type of auince that woud want to watch this scene would aminly be males, this is because they would see all the fighting scene's as a scene where they would want to put themselves in, which is all masucline and male dominant, they would see all the 300 spartans as a role model.
The gender of the audience would only be masulcine males, as the testostorone witin the film is extremely high. he age group would be around 14-30, this is shown through the fact that young men would want to attact women through their masuclinity, this also could traget young single men, who see the charcters as role models with their six packs and built bodies, the audience would want this type of body to attract the opposite sex, through the survival of the fittest.
Monday, 17 November 2008
Quotes to use
(Edwards, 1997)
Edwards, T . men in the mirror: Men's Fashion, Masculinity and Consumer Society (London, 1997)
'Gender is like fluid and can change within different contexts and over time'
Foucault, M. The History of Sexuality (1981)
Stevenson states - 'Blokelash Against Feminism'
Stevenson, N. Masulinity: A Risky path to take? (london 2000)
Lacey states - 'Regaining ale dominance due to a diminishing in men's power'
Lacey, N. Loaded lads and lasses (1996)
(this shows that the film 300 made in 2006 shows masculinity for the blokelash to regain male dominance. as the new man is shown as weak)
Friday, 7 November 2008
Troy film trailer analysis
The film conatins less of the female gaze, as most of the solider cover themselves woth body armor, there are some scene, which contain with topless men which can invoke the female gaze.
Parts of the film show some presence of the new man. This is shown through the costumens and the type of characteristics of the charcater for example, Ickelies (Brad Pit) has long hair which connotes women features, his man be a violent man as he has the power of not being killed.
But his main social life tends to be seen with women, although he is in war ith troy, he falls in love with the enemy, showing his inner man by caringa and loving.
What women want in a man
The "traditional family" structure -- in which mothers are the caregivers and fathers the income earners -- has become, to a large extent, a myth. It is, however, a myth that is upheld by social and economic policy. On the domestic front, while women have taken on an increasing role in providing income to their families, men have not taken up their share of responsibility in family life. Responsibility for children, in particular, is still seen as belonging to the mother.
- Fathers spend about a third as much time as mothers in providing direct child care.
The above states that wmoen want men to care and take more of a responsibility in family roles for example caring for ther children more. As women now have taken new roels ahead, men havn't. ' men have not taken up their share of responsibility in family life ', this shows that according to this, they say that the new man does not yet exist.
Laura Mulvey's Theory
Using her theory and females views on men, i intend to find out 'What is it that women want, a new man or a mascline man to gaze upon'.
My text show scene’s of the 'male gaze', but looking at the Spartans themselves, with their physic and their topless bodies showing their six packs, this is in contrast to the 'male gaze', concluding to the ‘Female Gaze'.
Books to relate to when collecting quotes from libaries
This book contains information about masuclinity and femininity in society, by looking at ideologies put across and the history of gender.
2. August, Eugene R. (1994). The New Men’s Studies: A Selected and Annotated Interdisciplinary Bibliography. 2nd ed. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
This book focuses on looking ath the new men in societ and how they have chnaged over time.
3. Goldberg, Herb. (1980). The New Male. New York: Signet.
This book outlines the new man beggining in new york. It contaisn infromation of changing roles and new inner fiminity within men.
4. Goldberg, Herb. (1987). The Inner Male: Overcoming Blocks to Intimacy. New York: New American Library
This books give an utline in theinner man and how people believe why men have changed according to the new roles they gain.
5. Goldberg, Herb. (year?). The New Male-Female Relationship
This books gives an outline on the new man and female and their relationships in society.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Delicious Tags
This site relates to the new man using exmaples of celebrities and also relate to the male backlash 'New Laddism' whereas males are against the feminism.
2. http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Modules/MC30820/represent.html
This site what types of representations there are in the media. This site is also very useful as in contains book references.
3. http://www.feminist.com/resources/artspeech/genwom/whatisfem.htm
This website is about what feminism is about, this relates to the historical part of the acronym of SHEP.
4. http://womensissues.about.com/od/feminismequalrights/Feminist_Movement_Equal_Rights.htm
This site includes information about the women's movement from the 1st to thrid wave.
5. http://www.backlash.com/book/sexism.html
What Everyone Should Know about Feminist Issues The Male-Positive Perspective
This site is very useful to see what women think about mens roles and aggression.
6. http://mensbiblio.xyonline.net/mensrights.html
A site which shows whta books i can get a hold of for the mens rights in society, i had found some books on the new man,
7. http://www.unfpa.org/intercenter/role4men/
This site shows womesns view on the new roles for men and how it effects their lives. this relates to my study as it may resemble my text in the new roles males have consumed.
8. http://www.300spartanwarriors.com/
This website contains information about the new version and the old version in 1962 of 300 spartans.
9. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055719/
This site contains reviews about the original version in comparision to the new version. I can look at the male roles in the original version to see if the masculinity still exists.
10. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/GenderMedia/index.html
This site contains representation information which can be useful towards the representations within 300.
New Ladism
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
10 Key Words
Connotations - when a image or scene has a meaning beyond its obvious denotational level - this relates to my text as my film contains alot of props which connotes masculinity.
Fade - A type of shot when the scene gradually changes to a white or white image - this is used alot within the film to increase tension within the audience.
Gender - a type of sex which can be reffered to masculinity or feminity aquired from socialism. - this relats to my text as i am researching on the new man which is a male but with feminity socialism.
Hero - a character whom is identified by the audience with positive strong ideologies. - the hero is the main charcter which i will be analysing in contrast to the villian who has new man ideologies.
Ideology - a set of attitudes, beliefs and values held in common by a group of people. - This relates o my study as i am looking at ideologies of he new man.
Male Gaze - a thoery by Laura Mulvey which relates to the representations of females as sex objects. - this relates to my study as their is also a 'Female Gaze' which i intend to research upon.
Marxist Feminism - a feminist perspective which sees capitalism as the principal source of gender inequalities. - This relates to my study as i will be looking at how womens roles have changed and how women act upon the changing roles of men and the 'Male Backlash'.
Media Language - a key concept in media which looks at many aspects of a text from camera shots, sound etc. - this relates to my study as camera shots within the film invoke the representations of male dominance and masculinity.
New Man - a term to describe a new type of masculinity identified and developed by advertising media n the 1980's. - this relates to my study as i am rsreaching to see if the new man is no longer around in particular reference to 300.
Friday, 24 October 2008
Contrasting Male roles
He is the Empire who wants to take over Sparta and have it under his control. He is represented as a powerful man but with female features, such as make up, piercings etc, which relates to him being in touch with his inner femininity.This can link to the ‘New Man
He is represented as a typical ‘breadwinner’ with pure masculinity through weaponry and physic.
Self Evaluation
Effort – 2/3: my effort in class is good but although we haven’t done anything active in class, this has affected my effort making, although i still make efforts externally and I try to take part in class.
Punctuality – 4: my Punctuality is very poor and will be working on it during holidays; I will take it as a fresh new start after the holidays
Submission of quality of homework – 2: I have missed some deadlines in class, but I also do my homework.
Ability to work independently – 3: my ability to work independently is average as i always need help and advice at present, especially on med 5.
Quality of writing – 3: my quality of writing does lack but I still try my best and know that it will increase.
Organisation of media folder – 5: my folder is very bad, I don’t even have a folder, but my papers are in order, but i still sometimes leave papers at home.
Oral contribution in class – 1: I have now begun to take part a lot in class to gain extra idea’s and at least try so I can learn and correct myself.
Standard of module 5 blog – 2: my Blog is up to date but I still think I can add more to my blog, it is up to date towards set work, but I must add some personal research
Standard of module 6 blog – 4: my med 6 blog is very bad, I haven’t even done the media issue and debate, and this is something to catch up on in the holidays.
Friday, 17 October 2008
Things To Do
- Look at other texts that are relevant to my text for exmaple TROY etc.
- Start to look at wider context using the acronym SHEP
Social, Historical, Economical and Political
Relate to Feminisim, And the New Man.
Also relate to how the New Man is affect the economy and social issues.
Self Assesment Of My Blog
Looking at MIGRAIN, i have analysied my texted using this acoronym, but there are some things i have missed out, for exmaple the instiuition of the text, this could have an effect on teh audience etc.
I have been looking mostly ad Media Language, Representationa and Ideologies that have been put across frm my text, as these three key concepts can help me answer y question about if the NEW MAN still exists.
AO2 - Demonstrate knowledge and application of the wider contexts (historical, social, political, economic) relevant to Media Studies
Looking at the wider contexts using SHEP, i have taken into account the historical issues of feminism and the new man.
I am aware perosnaly of the social, economical and political issues, but have no written proof of this, my new task would be to analyse and put into account SHEP entirely. This is an important part of my task to look how how the new man was producyed, and why his reprsentations are trying to be isolated.
AO5 - Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate investigative and research techniques in carrying out an independent study of a media text, topic or issue
Looking at my ressreach, my text has such a lare amount of resreach to look at as their are many differnt repreentation that are present which affect the representation of te new man within the text.
I wouldnt sa i have done alot or nothing. I would be in the middle, but i am also missing alot of resreach, such as other texts that i want to include which include the text Troy. Including other texts is a very important thing, as i need to look at where the new man began to die down. i will need to look at otehr similar genre texts.
I think i have concluded with a great question, not only for my text but as a general question is society etc. It is a good argument to see if the new man roles are present and why, also looking at different reactions to people and the media.
My new aim is to look at other texts and start categorizing my research what is where and what i need to do next.
Synoptic Ability - Draw together understanding of Key Concepts, from different parts of the specification in order to make effective textual readings.
Draw upon knowledge and application of a wide range of possible relevant contexts, in order to account for the characteristics of media texts
Looking at synoptic ability, this is my strong suit, as from studying it in yr 10, i have still used the same knowledge and extra knowledge throughout the years.
Realting this to my text, i have used alot of old knowledge, such as light, camera angle, long shots etc.
The only thing i need to take into account is sound, at the moment, sound isn't an important aspect compared to otehr things i need to do.
Looking at camera angle's and types of shot is a very important to my text, as these techniques are used to increase tensiona nd categorise reprsentation in their places, such as inferior shots of the protaginist etc.
I ahve linked my text to med 2, audience and theories, but not et to med 6. I still think i can add more to med 2.
Critical Autonomy - Apply critical ideas and principles to new situations – and demonstrate media literacy in responses to media texts
I have used many of my own ideas, andhave been looking at ideas of my own from my text.
I have been working independly, with alot of help form other issue such as SHEP, but i have not done a written ideas on them, just thinking ideas.
I am self motivated, but sometimes can get myself dug into a hole where my self motivation is not present. From last year i ahd made this mistake, and i am now getting myself out of that hole and now am usinga s much time as possible to complete this module. This a very difficult topic for me as i lack in writing.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Film reviews
"Into Hell's mouth we march," for example, is their equivalent of "I'll be off now then", and hardly any line of the script can be said without an exclamation mark and/or a sore throat. Lead actor Gerard Butler, as Leonidas, responds with lots of shouting and whispering, like a Govan rep version of Al Pacino.
The Reason i had chose this quote, is because, as Mackie says that the script is written to eitha be shouted or whispered, this shows that the male dominance is shown through shouting in front of other and whispering can be shown from the soft side in frontof women.
Youtube Clip Analysis
M: The setting of this scene is on a battle filed full of dead bodies and blood.
The scene is full of masucline men making it a pairiarchal society.
The main effect used through the whole scene is mainly slow motion. This is used to increase tension over the audience. The slow motion is also used to show the power of a spratan, for example when Leeonidas throws the spear, the slow motion effect shows how power the throw is.
The ending shot is a low angle shot of Leeonidas breathing his last breath before he is killed withh a millin shots. The low angle shot shows, although he has lost the battle his being is still superior.
Another shot used is a 360 angle shot, the camera circles Leeonidas when he struggling to get up, this shot is a close up to show his facial expressions. 'My queen!....and my wife....my love' are the last words he says which shows that his wife is the most important thing within his life. he only realises this when he has failed.
I: The ideologies put across from this clip, is that it is a pairiarchal scoety and a male dominant society where women don't exist on the battle filed, this shows that females still have their roles of sitting home doing chores and house wife roles. The whole battle field is full of men showing that all men have the power to look after their family.
Leeonidas is the main chracter which shows that his power is the most important thing, but when he looses that power, his was blinded and then reliased that his wife was the most important thing.
The Persian king shows differnt ideologies, although he contains females feautures of piercings and dark make up and eye liner, this shows that he may be in touch with his inner feminity, by caring what he looks like. His voice may be very deep, which is a contrast of a very femininie man with a deep voice.
G: The genre is an action and adventure, the action is shown through the battle and weponry. the adventure is shown through the low key lighting horizons and setting.
R: The representations shown through the scene are the representations of male dominance and feamle house wifes.
Male dominance is shown through the paitriarchal society and the superior shot of a powerless protaginist.
The representation of the female house wife is shown through how Leeoniodas mentions is wife before death as women ar not present but she is at home worrying about him in the battle.
The last representation is of the NEW MAN, this is shown through the charcater image, although he may contain masuclinity and the crave for power like evry man, he has deicied to shown his inner feminitty on the outside.
A: The audience is targted through the genre and gory battles. The genre will target people who like action genre's and people who like to watch adventure films.
I: The Institution of this film is unavailiable from the cip, as this clip is just a scene from the film
N: The narrative structure of this clip doesn't follow TODOROV's theory, the whole film may, but tis clip doesn't, as the protaginist tries to kill the king and but to and dies himself, this shows that the ending is not resovled and Leeonidas's power has not been regained
Thursday, 11 September 2008
This is Sparta? The history behind the movie '300'
Thermopylae was a narrow mountain pass, wide enough for one chariot, with cliffs on one side and the sea on the other, according to the historian Herodotus. There, a small force led by King Leonidas of Sparta met an invading army of hundreds of thousands of soldiers — perhaps 800,000, according to accounts from the time. After two days of the lightly-armored invaders being slaughtered by the spear-wielding and heavily armored Greeks, treachery enabled the forces of Persia's emperor, Xeres, to outflank the Greeks guarding the pass. Leonidas dismissed the bulk of his army, again according to legend, and his remaining force of 300 Spartans and allies fought a suicidal holding action against the invaders.
The battle ended up a costly victory for the Persians, sort of the Alamo of their invasion, giving the Greeks time, and inspiration, to regroup and defeat them later in the war. The example of the Spartans and their allies has lived on, inspiring military codes still alive today, as well as some of the best quotes in history, such as Leonidas' "Come take them," his reply to a Persian request to lay down his arms.
In 300, which opens Friday and is based on a graphic novel by Frank Miller, filmmakers add fantastical elements to the story of the fight, one whose drama would seem to call for little embellishment. USA TODAY asked Paul Cartledge, author of Thermopylae: The Battle that Changed the World, who has seen a preview of the movie, to give his take on how Hollywood stacks up against Herodotus, whose writings give the best account of the fight:
Film review on the types of shots and effects
If you are easily impressed by beautiful landscapes, wonderful camera-work and editing and powerful acting then go see this. Right. Now. You'll be missing out if you don't. There is so much to see, so much power in the way this comic is translated to the big screen... It'll leave you in awe.However, you are looking for a good story, clever plot twists, some innovating to the world of the movies then skip this. 300 contains nothing of this, nor does it wants to give you this.
300 Analysis
The person who is mainly being represented is Leonidas (Gerad Butler) to be a masuline male. The ideologies that are shown from this character; are typical male dominance and a paitriotic breadwinner. The individual is a king of Sparta and who is going war with th persian's to win back his glory and respect of Sparta.
The scene where he leaves his family to go to war is a typical breadwinner scene as the individual is leaving the family to go war (work). And the wife is left to take care of the children and in her case also the village.
The reason this individual is being represented in this way is because the individual contains power over his family and over his country. His power concerns many as it is up to him to take his pure bred army to save Sparta.
His representation should be presented this way of having the masculine attitude of control and the boldness to show he is pshyically capiable.
Media Languages
The main connotations within this film are that you are the one who must look after the family and other close individuals. this applies only to the male sex as females role tend to be presented as the common housewife who is use for cooking and cleaning and completing all home chores.
These connotations are presented through a scene where Leonidas gathers a group of pure bred spartans from their families to save their country. When the king leaves the Queen doesn't hold as much powerr as king Leonidas had. This shows that female Equality doesn't exist within this film.
the Non-verbal meaning from this film are clearly shown from a scene were Leonidas leaves his wife to go to war and his wife's expression show sadness and tears, but the males is agression saying he must do this for his country and leaving speechless with no buy or i love you shows that his country is more important than his love. This clearly shows that the new man has dissapeared as the new man wouldn;t show violence as they have gone throyugh an evolutiony stage were they have grown out of the violent stage to a stage where love and caring is replaced.
The narrative follows TODOROV's theory of the equilibrium-Disequilibrium-revolution.
Equilibrium: Sparta is living happy training and producing pure bbred spartan children. They are lving there life in incraesing their lands.
Diseqilibrium: The persian God king sends a messenger to say to Leonidas that his country must fall under the power of Persia or his city will suffer. Leonidas disagrees and a war is f0rmed.
Revolution: Leonidas looses the war but one survivor produces a larger amry of spartans years after to go to war.
The hero's are created through them standing up for their country and city. The hero's are sacrifing themselves in a war against millions to 300.
The villians are created through the structure by them attacking constantly.
The narrative structure is shown to bring tension upon the 300 against 1million and the fight techniques and slow motion actio and gore to present they will win the battle. But the storyline ends with a realistic revolution of themdoing damage but loosing a 300 to 1million battle.
The film genre is mainly action and adventure. The action is from the great action sequences. 300 Has the best rateing for action scenes as slow mation, gory blood and zoom in and outs are used to entice the audience and increase tension upson the scene.
The adventure is created through the climax and scenary within the film. The film has many setting which makes it an adventure and follows the spartyans to differnt parts of the country.
All scene tend to be male dominant or masucline. It tends to be a patirialchal society and female are either typical houysef wifes or connoted as sex objects and pleasure.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Common Stereotypes of Men in Media
The Action Hero is "strong, but not necessarily silent. He is often angry. Above all, he is aggressive in the extreme and, increasingly over the past several decades, he engages in violent behavior."
The Strong Silent Type focuses on "being in charge, acting decisively, containing emotion, and succeeding with women." This stereotype reinforces the assumption that men and boys should always be in control, and that talking about one’s feelings is a sign of weakness.
The Big Shot is defined by his professional status. He is the "epitome of success, embodying the characteristics and acquiring the possessions that society deems valuable." This stereotype suggests that a real man must be economically powerful and socially successful.
Another common stereotype...
The Buffoon commonly appears as a bungling father figure in TV ads and sitcoms. Usually well-intentioned and light-hearted, these characters range from slightly inept to completely hopeless when it comes to parenting their children or dealing with domestic (or workplace) issues.
Action Scene
This scene contains alot of slow motion effects to emphasise the action and the skills the spartan has. The tends to be a side tracking shot. It is one whole scene with no cuts and edits.
The scenbe also contains zoom ins and zoom outs. This technique is known not to be used at the same time for example zooming out and into a scene in one go, but 300 sucessfully breaks the rule by using slow motion when zooming in to increase the tension upon the scene. After the slow motion the camera zooms out and the scene is back into normal speed.
Study Plan and Research
Why is ‘300’ representing males with old fashion Ideologies?
Is the New Man Dead?
Over the years male roles tend to be the same but they have picked up a new type of value in society. Male’s now have interacted with their inner femininity. This doesn’t mean they are ‘Homosexual’. We refer to this as the ‘new man’. Why is ‘300’ representing males in an old fashion way with old ideologies and stereotypes.
1. A shot of 300 men going to war - A patriarchal society
2. Superior shot of the protagonist – male dominance
3. Shot of protagonist leaving family – ideology of the male breadwinner
Warner Brothers Pictures
1. Action/Adventure
2. Film Noir: is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas. Film noir of this era is associated with a low-key black-and-white visual style.
1. Stereotypes of males of their male dominance, they own Sparta also how they are going to war for their country and family. The aggression within the film, typical male testosterone of aggression, war, blood gore etc.
2. How the females are represented as sex objects (modernised), but also as women who stay home and look after the children. Typical ‘house-wife’ stereotypes (old fashion).
Working class males. C1 & C2. Young males aged 15+
1. Aggression, sex objects (males and females), male dominance, house-wife values, breadwinner stereotypes, patriarchal society.
1. Hero-Villain (PROP) Spartans and Persians
2. Good & Bad (LEVI STRAUS) – Spartans and Persians
3. Equilibrium (Spartans and Persians get along) –Disequilibrium (They both go to war) – Realisation (300 Spartans Die) – New Equilibrium (A new army of Spartans is born)
4. But the film isn’t a happy ending, as the 300 Spartans die.
5. Enigma Codes (BARTHES) – What will happen with the new army?
Wider Context (SHEP)
1. The new man being introduced (1980’s – 2008+)
2. Feminism, the Women’s Movement of the 1960s, the War and the impact on Women, women gaining the vote, communities, suffragettes, the education of girls and women. Equal Pay act.
3. Rights for homosexuality
4. The loss of the breadwinner, that the man serviced the woman. They had children. She stayed at home and cooked. ( new women roles)
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